Electric Nigerian Puff Puff Frying Machine|Puff Puff Fryer

This electric frying machine can be used to fry Nigerian puff puff, chin chin, French fries, potato chips, plantain chips, kuli-kuli, ect.

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Introduction of the automatic puff puff fryer machine:
This electric frying machine can be used to fry Nigerian puff puff, chin chin, French fries, potato chips, plantain chips, kuli-kuli, ect.
We are a manufacturer of deep-fried machine, deep-fried machine, oil and water mixing (oil and water separation) frying machine, Fried assembly line.Over the years, we have made continuous improvement and optimization by drawing on advanced deep-frying techniques and techniques from abroad.
Automatic Puff Puff Frying Machine
Features of the dough snacks frying machine:
After the oil and water are mixed and then automatically stratified, the oil is Fried after heating in the upper layer, and the water is under the sink, so the residue can be removed in time.This will not be caused by the black residue of the ordinary frying machine to become black acidification, resulting in waste.Reduce oil smoke and increase the utilization rate of oil.
Type of frying machine
The fryer equipment is divided into coal type, electric heating type, oil temperature, water temperature automatic control. Oil saving 50%, saving power, coal 40%, stainless steel manufacturing, safety and sanitation.
1400*700*950 mm
140 kg
24 kw
100 kg/h

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